Reservar para 1 noche

Sos. Fabrica de Glucoza 9B, Fălticeni, Județul Suceava

Upground Residence Apartments Fălticeni - Sistema de reservas oficial

Choose hotel accommodation in the apartments in the Barbu Vacarescu area, Pipera metro. We offer for rent on short and medium term apartments with two and three rooms located in the Upground residential complex on Fabrica de Glucoza street no. 9B, sector 2, Bucharest. The residential building is built in 2011, has 16 floors and 4 entrances, offers a special view on the upper floors.

Características Upground Residence Apartments Fălticeni
Airport transfer

Idiomas hablados
Română    English   

Métodos de pago
Efectivo (RON)       Efectivo (EUR)       Visa       MasterCard       American Express      

Holiday card

Mi reserva
  • February, 10


    February, 11


    Reservar para 1 noche